Online entertainment updates, resume, and television/ film activities of Brian B Elles... check back for regular updates
Email: brian.elles@gmail.com
Facebook: Brian Elles
Twitter: @ellesexperience
Email: brian.elles@gmail.com
Facebook: Brian Elles
Twitter: @ellesexperience
Doritos commercial is SUBMITTED
Howdy all - I haven't posted many updates recently simply because I've been super busy. I've mostly been preparing, shooting, and editing a spot for the Doritos "Crash the Superbowl" contest and I think you'll greatly enjoy.
Much hard work went into this! From waking up at 5am to shoot before the bar opened to long late hours editing, there is much hard work and sweat put into this project.
If you like, you can also view on YouTube by clicking RIGHT ABOUT HERE
If you like, you can also learn more about this contest by clicking EH, OVER HERE (enjoy the head banging music - I love it)!
Enjoy and Stay Tuned!
PS We will know if we are a finalist by 01.05.10, keep your fingers crossed!