Current representation through Cline and Mosaic Talent Agency


Online entertainment updates, resume, and television/ film activities of Brian B Elles... check back for regular updates

Facebook: Brian Elles
Twitter: @ellesexperience



I officially completed my script and it feels great. There is a great satisfaction in completing a long term project, its addicting in many ways!

To see the words, "The End." - mmmm, its a good thing.
Tomorrow I'll be proof reading hard and fast, hitting the copier before Christmas Eve. That was my deadline, on the presses before December 24th.

Time to walk away from the laptop for a little bit and let the words sit, everything is still fresh.

FYI- I was able to put out 52 usable pages in a weeks time. This story came together nicely. It will still be a work in progress because there can always be more work to put into it a working script. For example, to make my script better I could do the following:
- BUILD a stronger character arch for the protagonist (main character), protagonist ally, antagonist (main enemy), supporting roles, etc.
- BUILD up a more dynamic sub-text. This being the untold story that an audience subconsciously agrees with through out a movie, the sub-text are the actions that audiences bond too in a certain characters. The sub-text is what really takes the movie to a professional level.
-BUILD up the visuals as scripts are written for the readers EYE, not EAR.

But I also need to know when to put some closure to a project and this is now. After a few proof reads, I'll send it to some screenwriter friends I have and collaborate all their feedback.

After another re-write with their suggestions, the script will be contest ready. Not agent or manager ready quite yet.

If I could win some awards then heck ya, its time for a different type of representation. But if not, still have yet another re-write this time collaborating all the judges from the contest comments. This will also be that time to draw the line in the sand with this project and start another full length script. The next project will be a comedy series.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!